
Digital infrastructure for community climate action
Planetary Care
Open Infrastructure
Strategic Research

In the past two years, we have seen an unprecedented recognition of the Climate Emergency with mass climate protests, school strikes, warnings from the Bank of England and the urgency to deliver the recently announced Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.  Community-led responses can contribute significantly to these plans by reducing CO2 emissions and creating resilience towards climate change– from the smallest rural community to urban centres.

Digital, design and data-driven tools -whilst they aren’t silver bullets for solving climate change- they do have a great capacity to accelerate long-lasting community-led climate action. In this piece of strategic research commissioned by the National Lottery Community Fund I seek to understand how communities can be better supported in their efforts and explore the following questions:

  • Which digital technologies can have a transformative impact in helping communities understand, mitigate and adapt to climate change?
  • What does a shared digital infrastructure for community-led climate action look like?
  • What digital enablers can foster sensing of climate impacts, participatory caring for the environment, impact monitoring, the sharing of outcomes from community energy, and long-lasting commitment to climate-positive actions?
  • How can funders better support this area?

We need a dream-world to discover the features
of the real world we think we inhabit.


I’m a London based strategic designer, and researcher. I’m interested in the boundary-muddlings of information, computation, minds and nature. My email is always open to ethersamplers, epistemic humorists, and ungoogleable souls.