
Participatory AI

Collective Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Developed as part of the Centre for Collective Intelligence Design at Nesta. Recommended citation: Berditchevskaia, Malliaraki, E. and A., Peach, K.(2021). Participatory AI for humanitarian innovation: a briefing paper. London: Nesta.

This working paper outlines the current approaches to the participatory design of AI systems, and explores how these approaches may be adapted to a humanitarian setting to design new ‘Collective Crisis Intelligence’ (CCI) solutions. We define collective crisis intelligence as the combination of methods that gather intelligence from affected communities and frontline responders with artificial intelligence (AI) for more effective crisis mitigation, response or recovery.

Participatory Artificial Intelligence or Participatory Machine Learning in their broadest sense refer to the involvement of a wider range of stakeholders than just technology developers in the creation of an AI system, model, tool or application. We illustrate the framework using three in-depth case studies and suggest five key design questions to help others design participatory AI projects. 

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In porttitor pellentesque sapien


I’m a London based strategic designer, and researcher. I’m interested in the boundary-muddlings of information, computation, minds and nature. My email is always open to ethersamplers, epistemic humorists, and ungoogleable souls.